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Mileage Information

I hiked the Wonderland Trail in September of 2002. I finished the website in June of 2007. Yes, I know that that is 2 months short of taking FIVE YEARS to put the pictures up on the web. I'm sorry. I got a little busy, plus I was gone for 2 of those years in Brazil. Some might call it procrastination, but I don't. I worked hard, occasionally atleast, to transcribe the audio to text. Angela Cranney also helped with more than half of that transcribing (THANKS ANGELA!). I also had help from Emily Jolley (transcribing) and my mother, Judi Rowley (revising).

While I do wish I had finished this site before traveling to Brazil, i'm glad I waited. Why? Because if I would have put up the pictures just before going to Brazil (which I almost did) they would have been not nearly as nice or as large. I was was not so good at color correcting my images so many were dull and without the proper color from using a polorizing filter (big mistake). Now the images are much better looking. It took a lot of work to re-edit each picture but it was well worth it.
One of the main advantages of waiting was that I leared that the image sizes would need to be much larger to keep up with the constantly changing monitor and resolution sizes. There are THREE sizes to choose from 700 pixels wide, 1100 pixels wide or 1800 pixels wide.

Other not so important info:

This site was designed for use with Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox. If you are still using AOL you need to catch up with the 21st centry and switch to something else, like Comcast Cable Internet.

This site contains mostly pictures but it does contain a few Quicktime 360° panoramas. So you might need that if your computer is really old.

There are 3 different picture sizes (or width's) to choose from; 700, 1100, and 1800.
For most monitos the smallest will work just fine. If you have a nice 22 inch screen you might want to try the 1100 pixel size. If it is 2015 or after, you might want to try the largest image size if I haven't already made that the default.

Please don't bore yourself reading all the text on this site. It is there for those that are really interested in hiking the Wonderland Trail and want some more details.

Understand that I'm not a photographer or a webmaster. I like taking pictures and I like putting them up on the web for others to see.

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